INEMY – private enemy inside of you!
Good thing about being new to a country is that even after few years you still learn new (meanings of) words.
For me, the one that opened the door to a different dimension was integrity– doing things right even if nobody is watching. I badly needed it in my vocabulary, because it clarifies in detail the way that I would like to live my life.
Integrity stood at the beginning of my private, little collection of powerful words that explain the world. Some of them are not very trailblazing but somehow contain everything you need to know in a particular situation.
Please find few teasers:
The one quality that can change my clients` life the most is self-esteem.
The value that can answer problems of most of relationships is respect.
The biggest gift we can give our families is time.
Finally the most dangerous and powerful enemy that we have to fight is the Inemy.
Inemy lives in our minds. Spends its life on blaming everyone and everything for obstacles we have to overcome. Sits on your shoulders and whispers: “you are not good enough”, “don’t even try”, “run before people will notice that you are a coward and/or looser”.
Inemies pretend to be our friends, but they are frenemies in fact – they cut our wings when we are ready to depart, shut our mouths when it`s time to speak. Stop us from living our dreams.
Their weapons are limiting believesand fear disquised osf as self sympathy, so it is hard to recognize them at first, thanks to the greatest covers.
But guess what? Inemies are usually not real and since they live in our heads, there is a big chance we can get rid of them. If we consciously decide to leave them behind:
– The first step is to unmask the inemy and give it a proper name
– After that we have to question inemies one by one
– Finally it’s time to replace the inemies with friendly thoughts that can admit a failure but give us a wings to try
Then, we can start to breathe and enjoy the opportunities. Because even if we don`t achieve everything what we dreamed of, we will know that we didn’t give up before the game started.
Should you need a hand on your way to recovery, remember that I am here for you to help.