What is important in life?

December 9, 2018
My younger daughter announced twenty minutes ago: I am good now, I am not sick anymore. I checked her temperature and indeed, she had 37,4C. Few hours before I was about to start panicking when ibuprofen didn’t have any effect on her 39,8C fever.
I know this little lady, I know that she has to cook viruses or bacteria before she gets better. However it is still very difficult for me to survive the moment when she falls asleep because it is too much for her body.
My today’s blog is going to be short.
Appreciate what is important in life.
– Love and Friendship
– Your Dreams and Values
– Positive view of yourself
And first of all health.
Since my daughter “feels great now”, I will be back to work soon. And ready to meet you if you need me.

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